Course appointments

If you have successfully completed the second step toward setting up a new, regular course, you should see something similar to the following image:

This example shows the typical characteristics of a regular course.

You can now specify the following here:

1. In which cycle the course takes place, i.e. weekly or biweekly.

2. When the course begins: in the first or second week of the semester or at a time that you can stipulate yourself.

3. Data about course appointments

Please now state exactly when (day, time from — to) the course takes place. You see two fields for weekly course days. If the course only takes place on one day, simply leave the second field blank. If there are more than two weekly sessions, click on the “Add field” button to set up an input mask for the third or fourth course session .

4. Term (Semester)

States in which term (semester) the course begins or takes place.

5. Duration

Here you specify the term (semester) in which a course ends. This is only important for courses which last for several terms (semesters); thus, generally for courses of the “organisation” type. You can allow courses continue for as long as you desire.

6. Preliminary discussion

If there is a date for a preliminary discussion, enter it here; otherwise, leave the field as it now is.

If all entries are correct, click on Continue.



Source: base help | Last change: January 12, 2011, at 06:45 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe