Access permissions

If you have set up a Login procedure, you cannot stipulate a password for the course because only those whom you have approved are given access!

At present it is not possible to directly protect files with a password; only the entire course can be so protected. The appropriate menu for managing courses can be reached via the key symbol Attach:Admin-Symbol.png Δ on the menu bar.

Attach:Men%FC-Symbolleiste.png Δ

All courses in which you are registered as instructor are displayed in the overview which now appears. To select a course, click on Attach:ausw%E4hlen.png Δ.

Attach:Admin1.png Δ

For safety reasons you are again shown which course you have selected. If it was incorrect, simply repeat the procedure.

Attach:Admin2.png Δ

To reach the password settings, click on Access permissions. The button is at the top in the area highlighted in grey. It is, e.g., possible to set registration procedures in this menu. In this case such procedures should not exist.

Attach:Zugangsberechtigung1.png Δ

Set den Read and Write accesses in the Permissions dialog box to only with password. The password and the password repetition can be entered in the two fields below it. To save the settings, click on Attach:%FCbernehmen.png Δ.

Attach:Zugangsberechtigung2.png Δ

The successful storage of the changes is again confirmed. For security reasons, only a chain of five stars will be shown as password after storage, regardless of how many letters or numbers the password has.

Attach:Best%E4tigung.png Δ



Source: base help | Last change: October 17, 2010, at 11:08 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe