The Header bar

The Header bar accompanies you through all the pages of the system. Regardless of what you do or where you might have gotten lost — the Header bar always helps you to find your way back to known territory. There are various symbols (icons) distributed across the bar. Each of these icons can be clicked with the cursor — you then move to another page in the system. Some of the icons, for example the icon for the CHAT or the “Who is online?” display can also change colours and thus indicate changes in the system. The icons in detail:

Start page

With this symbol you can return to your Start page from any arbitrary page in the system.


In Stud.IP you will need this page most frequently for the selection of the courses in which you have enrolled. To ensure that you will be able to reach this page quickly, we have incorporated a link into the Header bar.


You access Stud.IP’s Internal messaging system via the letter icon. Using it, you can send messages to other Stud.IP users. These Internal system messages have the same functions as emails. But they reach users who are now online much more quickly — similar to SMS on mobile telephones. When you receive one of these short messages, the letter icon starts to blink red.

The Chat

You can chat with other people who are now online in Stud.IP. With a click on this icon you enter the Chat room.

When someone else is already in the Chat room, the icon changes colour:

Someone is in the Global chat room

Linger for a moment on the activated Chat icon with the mouse, and the number of people who are now in the Global chat room will be displayed. With a click you enter the Chat room yourself.

Users online (you are alone)

This icon shows how many people other than you are still online in the system. If the icon remains grey, only you are online. However, if it turns red:

Users online (someone else online!)

Now you are no longer alone in the system. If you linger with the cursor on the icon, most browsers will show you how many people are online. With a click on the icon you move to an overview page which lists exactly who is online. From there you can send other users an internal short message or ask them to chat.


You reach your personal preferences via this icon. There you can set up your personal Homepage, provide information on your courses of studies or your place of work, upload a picture of yourself, change your password and much more.


No, that is not a joke, but the fast access to your personal Appointment calendar. The Appointment calendar in Stud.IP manages your personal and occupational appointments, reminds you of birthdays, displays course appointments and much more. The best thing about it: you have access to this important data from any PC with an Internet connection. Furthermore, the Appointment calendar can synchronise data with many other devices (such as PDAs). Via the “Planner” icon you additionally have access to the Address book features, your Schedule and other personal services.


By clicking on this Icon you enter the Search area of Stud.IP. You can search for courses, institutions, people who are registered in the system or for resources such as rooms or requisite equipment.

In addition, you have the opportunity to browse in the Stud.IP archive — all courses are archived. The key data are accessible to anyone (subject, lecturer, etc.); however, extended information or the uploaded term papers are only available to those who actually participated in the course (thus those who were enrolled in it).

Data protection

With a click on this term you receive information as to who can see which of your data or which data you can make visible for whom, respectively.

Legal details

A click on this button takes you to the Legal details. There you can find information about Stud.IP (e.g. a version history), information about contacts (e.g. the developers or the administrators responsible for you) and statistics on your Stud.IP installation (e.g. number of users, the most active courses and much more).

We have built “shortcuts" into the system (for example the double arrows for setting the latest news) for many frequently used tasks. However, ultimately you always land in the Administration area with them. Therefore, please take the time to become more familiar with this area. To do this, it is best to read the following sections of these Help pages: Course management

By clicking on this button you are transferred to these Help pages. Our Help system is context sensitive. This means that the system attempts to find out which area of Stud.IP you need help for and directly offers you the relevant Help page. If the page is not appropriate to you, you are given an overview of all Help topics by clicking on the large "Index" button (also at the top of this page!).

Log out

A click on “Logout” and you have correctly logged out of the system.

For security reasons you should always logout. If you do not logout, the next person to use your computer can move about in Stud.IP using your identity.

After a certain period without activity, you are automatically logged out.



Source: base help | Last change: January 10, 2011, at 04:40 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe