Settings for internal system messages

Here you can make your own settings for Stud.IP's Internal SMS and Messenger systems.

Internal system short messages (SMS)

Automatic deletion
Your previously-read SMSs are automatically deleted when you log out of the system If this function is not activated (recognizable due to the empty white box in front of it).
A pseudo-signature at the end of the SMS which you send to other users, for example, your initials, your name or your nickname.
E-Mail format
With this feature you can determine the format in which emails originating in Stud.IP (messages and daily messaging) are to be sent to you. The text variant has been preset for you as standard.

Stud.IP Messenger

The Messenger is a small window which is opened outside of the Stud.IP Browser window proper. It normally remains in the background (only visible on the task bar on the lower screen margin). When you receive an SMS, the Messenger appears in the foreground and calls your attention to the new message. In addition, you can set up a “Buddy list“. Buddies are fellow students or colleagues with whom you frequently are in contact. Buddies are displayed directly in the Messenger window when you are underway in the system.

Naturally, you can adapt the Messenger to your needs:

When you activate this feature, the Messenger will automatically be started when you log into the system
Time to inactivity
This designates the length of time which a user may be inactive in the system. If this is exceeded, the user is no longer displayed in the “Who is online” list of your messenger. This “Timeout“ response is necessary because some users simply forget to logout — without this timeout response they would always be displayed as being online.

You can select a “Deferment period” of between 5, 10 and 15 minutes for other users.

Adding a Buddy
To add a fellow student or a colleague to your personal Buddy list, enter his or her name in the search box and click on

If the search was successful, you can now select from a list of desired participants and add them to your Buddy list. To do this, click on the “Add this user" button.


Your personal list of friends, Initially this list is still empty, but when you have selected Buddies, you see their names on a coloured panel:

There you can assign colours to your buddies so that you can identify them more quickly or also delete individual buddies from the list. To perform the latter action, click on the respective Trash bin at the right side of the image.

To save the settings, press on



Source: base help | Last change: December 02, 2010, at 04:22 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe