Searching for references and entering them in reference lists


Use the search mask initially to select the catalogue which is to be searched through. Select a search field (e.g. title key word or author’s name), enter a search term and click on .

Please enter only one search term per field! You can add additional search fields with the button; the former can then be linked with and/or.

If Stud.IP found something corresponding to your search term, the results are presented in a Hit list.


With a click on the exclamation point (highlighted in red) the literature is added to your watch list in the information box at the right screen margin.

To insert the newfound source into an existing reference list, click on “Edit reference list” in the information box. You now again see the lists which you have set up. Below your watch list there is now additionally a selection menu which can be opened.


Now mark one or more entries on your watch list and select a reference list from the menu below it to which you desire to add the literature. Then click on .



Source: base help | Last change: January 13, 2011, at 07:28 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe