Open or restricted access

In most cases access to Stud.IP is handled slightly differently at each installation site, particularly at universities. Fundamentally, one differentiates between "closed" and “open” systems.

Closed systems are part of a central directory service, which is centrally administered and already contains a list of all the students and lecturers. One is normally given one's access data during the enrolment process or at the local computer centre. In most cases there is an appropriate notice on the System start page providing information as to how one can obtain a username and password.

In “open” systems every user can register him- or herself and thus set up an account with username and password. This procedure is described below.

This is NOT possible or necessary in closed systems.



Source: base help | Last change: January 05, 2011, at 01:10 PM, whybrew | Local view: Basis-Hilfe